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Eliminate chargebacks

The challenge: Avoid chargebacks, stop CNP fraud

Where do we start? There's no love lost when it comes to chargebacks. Not only are fraud-related disputes costly and painful for all parties in the payments ecosystem, they make for a bad experience for cardholders who must endure a confusing and stressful claims process. Chargeback fraud can also reduce acceptance and revenue, too. For merchants, that means lower sales and increased customer friction. For card issuers, card not present fraud can mean that more good customers get turned away due to the high cost of recovering fraud losses.

Alerts: How Ethoca stops chargebacks

If you want to avoid chargebacks – whether from genuine fraud, friendly fraud or customer disputes – it's actually a piece of cake. Well, that's assuming you're participating in a global network that allows card issuers and merchants to collaborate and share intelligence in real time. (Hint: That's Ethoca.) Whether you're a card issuer or merchant, we help you avoid the chargeback process altogether through chargeback prevention. We've built a collaboration network for rich data exchange between merchants and card issuers that's, in a word, revolutionary. It's shockingly simple to take part and amazingly effective, too.

With our Ethoca Consumer Clarity™ product, we put extensive merchant data into the hands of card issuers, so chargebacks can be deflected before a claim is ever created. If needed, we then layer in our Ethoca Alerts product, which relies on confirmed fraud and customer dispute intelligence from our extensive network of card issuers. We send millions of these chargeback alerts to merchants every year, so they can provide an immediate refund to customers – avoiding the need for our card issuers to begin the chargeback process. Everyone is happy, except for fraudsters!

Products to help avoid chargebacks

Ethoca Consumer Clarity™

Stop chargebacks and recover revenue lost to 'friendly fraud' and customer disputes.

Ethoca Alerts

Reduce CNP fraud and chargebacks through merchant-issuer collaboration.

Chargeback prevention tailored for luxury fashion

For one leading luxury retailer, the volume of chargebacks every month was in the thousands, with an average chargeback value of $625. Chargebacks from fraudulent transactions were tearing at the seams of their bottom line. Learn how they leveraged near-real-time alerts to prevent chargebacks.