New research explores the rise in chargebacks and how organizations are using technology to manage the growing complexity — and costs.
New research explores the rise in chargebacks and how organizations are using technology to manage the growing complexity — and costs.
Ethoca Consumer Clarity provides rich merchant and purchase information to cardholders within their digital banking apps—providing them with more insight into their purchases. These additional details can help reduce purchase confusion and decrease chargebacks.
Consumers expect more from their digital experience. But why should merchants and issuers care? Not paying attention to consumers' changing attitudes can result in lost revenue, higher operating costs, and increased chargebacks and disputes. Our recent research with Datos uncovers some of the latest consumer attitudes around digital experience.
Transaction confusion, friendly fraud, first-party misuse – these are some of the terms used to describe legitimate transactions becoming chargebacks, better known as first-party fraud. What is the true scope and size of the problem? Download our infographic to learn more.
For one leading telecom company, their goal was crystal clear—to reduce losses and the total cost of fraud. They needed a solution that could more quickly identify as many fraudulent orders as possible. Within 12 months, Ethoca Alerts helped this telecom prevent over 18,000 chargebacks valued at over $750,000.
Both businesses and consumers value subscriptions. But while they provide a lot of convenience, consumers are becoming more selective and
have increased expectations on how they manage them. See the latest trends in our subscriptions infographic.
With the payments landscape facing a myriad of changes, it’s important to focus on initiatives that will make a positive impact on your business, such as customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and bottom-line revenue.
Our latest report looks at trends we expect to see in 2024 shaping the way businesses approach both fraud and digital experience.
Globally, digital receipts are gaining in popularity with consumers for their convenience. Merchants like their ability to decrease the costs and time associated with printing a paper receipt, and to help reduce disputes and chargebacks. What other channels can merchants leverage to engage consumers and provide enhanced purchase insight?
Around the world we’ve experienced rapidly changing dynamics over the last few years. In addition, how we pay is also shifting.
So, how do all these market dynamics translate to the current and future state of chargebacks?
Download our latest report to peer into chargeback trends around the world, along with the growth of ecommerce—a key factor influencing chargeback volumes and CNP fraud.